Terms of Service

When a user of secondchancealocators.com website puts one’s name, email and phone number into the website (secondchancelocators.com) or any pages on the website, user agrees that secondchanceapartments.com and it’s partnered marketing programs, Second Chance Locators, Home & Apartment Finders, HomeBulletin.Net and a Network of Moving Companies, Done Deal Co-Sign and the owners of the secondchanceapartments.com website have permission to contact them via automated phone technology and email technology regarding their offers and affiliated offers. Users who submit only their email address into (secondchanceapartments.com) or any pages on the website, agree that the owners of secondchanceapartments.com and third-party companies may contact them via email with third party offers. Users can opt out at any time by pressing “unsubscribe” or “stop” or “opt-out” on the bottom of emails to opt-out of email correspondence and users may opt-out of phone calls by telling one of our agents to “take them off of the list”. Unsubscribe requests will be handled promptly. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized employees within the company on a need-to-know basis only use any information collected from individual customers. We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service for our customers.

Second Chance Locators is a consulting service that provides available residential properties to individuals and families in need of our specialized services. Second Chance Locators will be reference as SCL for the remainder of this Terms of Service. Client understands this service provides residential listings of properties. SCL will be contacting prospective properties on client’s behalf to assist client in being accepted as a lease holder or tenant. SCL does offer a 30 day refund. SCL always strives to offer our clients the best quality possible in apartments, condos and residential housing.

Client understands there is a 48-hour money back guarantee only after client provides sufficient photographic evidence or documentation within the 48-hour period after first initial contact with SCL that proves the properties provided by SCL are in violation of the local, state or federal health ordinances or in violation of security codes established by the local, state or federal jurisdictions.

Client understands that time is always of essence in all real estate transactions. If client does not secure the desired property in a timely manner and as a result the property is secured by another party, client will automatically waive any right to a refund or any further demands on SCL. If client is able to prove circumstances to be completely out of the control of the client which causes client’s failure to act in a timely manner to secure a desired property, then client must provide within a 48-hour period from first initial contact with SCL, sufficient photographic evidence or valid documentation that proves client was not at fault for failing to act in a timely manner to secure desired property. Failure by client to provide sufficient photographic evidence or valid documentation that proves client was not at fault for not acting in a timely manner to secure desired property will cause client to waive any right to a refund or allow client the right to make any further demands upon SCL.

  1. Claims of financial hardship by client will not be considered a valid reason for a refund from SCL.
  2. If client provides SCL with information that is determined inadequate, misleading or false it will be reason for client waiving their right to refund or make any further demands on SCL.
  3. SCL’s fee is per city or areas in or near the client’s preferred zipcode. Any request for SCL to conduct additional research in other locations or zip codes, SCL will require client to pay an extra fee. If client alters initial search request in any mannerwhich causes SCL consultant to perform additional work or research client will waive their right to refund by SCL. If client alters initial search in a manner that causes the consultant additional work or research client will be required to pay SCL’s additional fees.
  4. Client understands SCL consultants spend their time and efforts locating properties for client. If client claims to find a property without the assistance of SCL client will not be entitled to a refund by SCL. If client cancels search after SCL provides properties client will not be entitled to any refund.
  5. Client will be refunded within 48-hours only if client fails being approved at any properties provided by SCL and its affiliates. Client will only be refunded by satisfying the criteria already provided in items 1 through 5.
  6. SCL provides lists of services the client elects to purchase. It is the client’s responsibility to contact the services provided. Upon receipt of payment from the client understands the purchase of the list we provided is non-refundable. We are not responsible for any other services that the client previously purchased that enabled client in contacting our company.

  7. SCL is also affiliated with Home and Apartments Finders. SCL does not represent Home and Apartment Finders. SCL in not responsible for any services performed for Home and Apartment Finders’ clients or any monetary transactions received by Home and Apartment Finders.